
Everyday #success.

Woke up at 10 to cook breakfast. #success

Swam a kilometer in 33.5 minutes. #success

Confidently typed in a competency-based question for an internship after thinking about it for a day or two. #success

Made vital changes to my CV today after a seminar which sparked a few too many realisations. #success

Tired as hell now. A sign of a #successful day.

Everyday #success

Describe your day in five sentences?

It’s a great feeling when you receive something in the mail box after a long, long time waiting for it.

Today I flossed and I feel about 25 times cleaner than I did yesterday.

I now have prescription swimming googles and I actually ordered them from http://www.prescription-swimming-goggles.co.uk.

It’s worth moisturising feet before going to bed.

Could not be sure whether it was the plums or the steak which caused some irregular bowel movements.

Describe your day in five sentences?